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Ethnic Focus Groups


Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. As such this diversity is represented in qualitative recruitment at J&S Research. We regularly recruit for projects where cultural diversity either needs to be reflected or is the main focus of the recruitment brief.

Our database is a reflection of the community we live in and includes people from all backgrounds. We have a wide range of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) respondents to draw from.

The inclusion of people from diverse backgrounds is often vital in research projects both for consumer products and government, policy development as ethnic background can influence our decision making and behavior. Often the wants and needs of people from different ethnic backgrounds are quite different and require closer investigation in a market research setting.

Our project managers are happy to consult with you and share our experience to collaborate on the best approach for conducting your research with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Our experience with recruiting culturally and linguistically diverse respondents includes wide ranging government projects including driving, healthcare, local area, transport and childcare as well as commercial projects such as Skincare, cosmetic dental services, travel and tourism and law and order.

Talk to us today for more information on how we can help you gain real insight.

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